Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Get the kids out.

Helped him catch this big rainbow at a lake in Montana, on a dry fly.

Teaching kids is the future to our sport.  If it wasnt for me being taught to fly-fish as a kid, then I wouldnt have discovered this amazing sport that I live to pursue.  Brent and I had the chance to go to Montana last summer to work at a Trout Unlimited camp.  It was a great experience being counselors to those kids, and teaching them the skills that they will be able to use on their own.  Teaching kids is a domino effect.  If you teach one person, then they will teach another, and so on.  Make sure you do it the right way.  Teach them the regulations.  Make sure they practice catch and release.  Fill them in on the little things such as wetting your hand before you touch a fish, and the correct ways to revive a fish.  The specifics, such as casting and tying knots, will come natural in time.  Be a good role model, and make them remember you for being the one who taught them to fly-fish.

-Take care,


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